Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dove Love

While we are on the topic of wrinkles, can we take a moment to reflect on the Dove Pro-Age campaign? Last week I caught one of the first ads on television and was really impressed by the perspective that women of all ages can be beautiful. Imagine that! To the cynical this may appear to be nothing more than another savvy marketing move on Dove's part, I choose to applaud them for providing a different approach. Personally, I love the stark look of all of Dove's ad campaigns. Real woman with real bodies. Period. It's brilliant!

Also check out their Self Esteem Fund and the Campaign for Real Beauty.

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Inside Out

Inside Out
One of the perks of being a coach is having a skill to swap with others. In June, I put up a notice on a yoga bulletin board seeking a yoga/coaching exchange. A lovely woman contacted me and we met for tea at a trendy cafe in Newtown. She was a bitty little thing with long brown hair, kind eyes and a lush deep red scarf around her neck. We got to talking... and talking some more... and some more. We really hit it off and decided to meet weekly.

Five months down the track, we are still enjoying our afternoons together. We spend a third of our time coaching, a third discussing and practicing yoga, and a third chit-chatting away. She has become a dear friend of mine, and I feel confident that my relationship with yoga is just beginning.

Now on to what this post was supposed to be about - being healthy from the inside out. In particular, I am talking about wrinkles. Although dreaded by many, these lines can be used to help us determine imbalances and deficiencies. Yoga lady introduced me to this idea proposed by nutritionist Elizabeth Gibaud in her book The Facial Analysis Diet. While I am not the type of person who hops on every diet bandwagon which passes my way, I do believe that what we put into our bodies shows up on the outside. I, for one, think it would be much more empowering for us to take matters into our own hands and change the way we choose to eat rather than hand our bodies over to others to 'fix' them with plastic surgery and expensive cosmetics.

Something to think about...

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.
