Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday Procrastination Update

Okay, folks - we are getting there! I have now started the final exam and so far, it is going swimmingly. Open book exams are a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I have more or less unlimited time and resources. On the other hand, my inner perfectionist (nicknamed Sheila) rears her ugly head and insists I could write the whole thing in some better way. So my mission today has been to put Sheila at bay, and forge ahead. I have also treated myself to a piping hot take away coffee for all of the work I have accomplished so far.

Procrastination Tip #2:

Reward yourself as you tick things off your list. It makes the experience more pleasant and gives you an incentive to complete your work more quickly.

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday Procrastination Update

It is Tuesday and I am wrapping up for the night. My coaching model is complete and I am 3/4 of the way finished with my power tool paper. I still have my final exam and research paper to complete. I am learning that I am shattered at the end of the day, so morning is a better time for me to get things done. Breaking the work down into smaller pieces has also proved to be helpful.

How is your procrastination progress going?

Procrastination tip #1:

Whatever you are dreading, do it first. Knock it off your list early in the day and enjoy the relief of a challenging task completed.

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Procrastination - a state we've all experienced at some point in our lives. You know the feeling - something needs to be done, but you just can't bring yourself to act. We also tend to have a million and one reasons why we can't complete the task quite yet. I don't have time, I don't have money, I don't like to... All this stalling leads to just that - stalling. So how do you get back into gear?

1. Identify the cause

  • What keeps you from completing the task?
  • Does it seem unpleasant?
  • Does it look to big to handle?
  • Are you unsure where to start?
  • Are you afraid to fail?

2. Set realistic goals

  • What are the steps towards the end goal?
  • What is a reasonable time frame to complete this project?
3. Plan your time
  • When will you complete each step?
  • What kind of environment do you need to get things done?
4. Stay motivated
  • Who can help keep you accountable?
  • What will the pay off be for completing this project?
  • How will you reward yourself once the goal is accomplished?
This week, I invite you to explore the theme of procrastination with me as I work towards completing my International Coach Academy graduation requirements! There's only one month until all the paperwork is due, so it's definitely time to kick it into high gear.

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

You know, one of the best things about becoming a coach is developing your own self awareness. This morning I received some disappointing news and believe me, I was ready to hang a banner, bake myself a cake and throw myself a proper pity party. Before I got too carried away, my inner coach told me to slow down and detach from the situation.

I asked myself:
1. What can I learn from this experience?
2. How can I apply these lessons?
3. How is this situation an opportunity and a blessing?

The questions helped my view things from a different perspective and gave me new sense of possibility. Try them out the next time you feel discouraged.

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend rest

After a week of feeling a little off, Dave and I escaped the concrete of the city for a spur of the moment trip down the south coast of New South Wales. Our strategy consisted of get a car, stay at a hostel, soak up sun, eat good food. Now if that isn't a plan for success, I don't know what is!

Here are a few pictures of our trip:

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Anita Roddick

Dame Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, died this morning of a major brain hemorrhage. I recently read her book Body and Soul: Profits with Principles and was deeply inspired by her passion, guts and ability to connect with everyone from customers to the tribe members of the Amazon who helped produce some of the company's products. Not only is she an outstanding role model for women entrepreneurs, but an example to us all of how to walk the talk. She followed her instincts and always focused on how her business could contribute to the greater good. I am thankful to have discovered her amazing story and I encourage you to do the same.
Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Friday, September 7, 2007

Inside Out

One of the perks of being a coach is having a skill to swap with others. In June, I put up a notice on a yoga bulletin board seeking a yoga/coaching exchange. A lovely woman contacted me and we met for tea at a trendy cafe in Newtown. She was a bitty little thing with long brown hair, kind eyes and a lush deep red scarf around her neck. We got to talking... and talking some more... and some more. We really hit it off and decided to meet weekly.

Five months down the track, we are still enjoying our afternoons together. We spend a third of our time coaching, a third discussing and practicing yoga, and a third chit-chatting away. She has become a dear friend of mine, and I feel confident that my relationship with yoga is just beginning.

Now on to what this post was supposed to be about - being healthy from the inside out. In particular, I am talking about wrinkles. Although dreaded by many, these lines can be used to help us determine imbalances and deficiencies. Yoga lady introduced me to this idea proposed by nutritionist Elizabeth Gibaud in her book The Facial Analysis Diet. While I am not the type of person who hops on every diet bandwagon which passes my way, I do believe that what we put into our bodies shows up on the outside. I, for one, think it would be much more empowering for us to take matters into our own hands and change the way we choose to eat rather than hand our bodies over to others to 'fix' them with plastic surgery and expensive cosmetics.

Something to think about...

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Three day weekend

Don't you love it when the government declares Friday a holiday because a summit of world leaders is being held in your city? APEC is currently underway in Sydney and residences of this fine city have been feeling the impact. Throughout the central business district multiple security checks and extensive chain link fencing have been in place all week. Despite the inconvenience, no one seems to be complaining about designated holiday today.

I've had a blissfully cruisy morning so far. This afternoon I will be doing my weekly yoga/coaching swap - always a highlight. Then my yoga teacher and I will be joined by our menfolk for a decedent Indian feast at Maya Masala.
Enjoy your weekend!

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

The 100 Most Powerful Women

Forbes magazine recently announced their ranking of the
100 Most Powerful Women.

What do you think of the list?

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be Whole.


Monday, September 3, 2007

Birthday Girls

Happy Birthday, Lu!

Once workmates, Lucy and I developed our friendship after discovering our mutual likes of, well, everything. After realizing our shared passion for everything from mint tea to travel, we came to the conclusion we must be twins separated at birth. Never mind our difference in birth date or the fact we were raised on different continents!

Lu's an animated, vivacious soul with a heart of gold. She's also a creative goddess and the photographer of my work head shot. Lu, have another year full of joy and adventure!

Happy Birthday, Kat!

Katrina and I met through our course at the International Coach Academy earlier this year. We became fast friends as we swapped stories, shared ideas, and laughed our way through life.

Kat's a manifesting marvel who built a business from scratch and continues to seek new ways to grow on a daily basis. She is kind-hearted, upbeat and a go-getter. Kat, may the next year bring you all your heart desires and more.

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

A true winner

My friends never cease to amaze me. Heather is no exception. In June, she completed her first Ironman with a time of 13 hours, 50 minutes and 36 seconds in Nice, France. The Ironman Triathlon is a long-distance race of 2.4 miles (3.9 km) swimming, 112 miles (180 km) biking and 26.2 miles (42 km) running. Quite a feat, is it not?

Garmin caught on to Heather's magnificence and she is now featured in their new ad. Check out the full scoop on the Garmin blog. Congratulations, Heather!

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.
