Saturday, January 19, 2008

A place for everything...

And everything in its place.

It's been nearly two weeks since I touched down in Sydney once again. At that time I had a suitcase explosion in my bedroom. Bang! Shirts, pants, skirts, shoes, dresses, scarves, towels, jewelry, papers, gifts... all over the floor, chair, tables and bed. Finally, I cleaned up.

In December I did a massive purge of all the things which were stained, holey, or that I simply did not love anymore. That made my job so much easier today. In fact, it was almost enjoyable. I listened to Cheryl Richardson on Hay House Radio while I worked. It was a quiet, reflective time as I filed everything away. Folding up my sweaters led me to reflect on my time spent in America. Piling up my fabrics helped my mind wander to all the things I could create in the future. And yet, I was very much in the moment as I grasped each item in my hands. Once I pulled the closet door shut and glanced around at all the empty space, I felt peaceful and centered. I think I'm going to sleep well tonight.

So, my first suggestion of 2008 is this:

1. Clean out those things in life which no longer serve you.
2. Take time to reflect on your past and future, but take in the present as well.
3. Get yourself and your surroundings in order. Trust me on this one.

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


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