Sunday, September 23, 2007

Procrastination - a state we've all experienced at some point in our lives. You know the feeling - something needs to be done, but you just can't bring yourself to act. We also tend to have a million and one reasons why we can't complete the task quite yet. I don't have time, I don't have money, I don't like to... All this stalling leads to just that - stalling. So how do you get back into gear?

1. Identify the cause

  • What keeps you from completing the task?
  • Does it seem unpleasant?
  • Does it look to big to handle?
  • Are you unsure where to start?
  • Are you afraid to fail?

2. Set realistic goals

  • What are the steps towards the end goal?
  • What is a reasonable time frame to complete this project?
3. Plan your time
  • When will you complete each step?
  • What kind of environment do you need to get things done?
4. Stay motivated
  • Who can help keep you accountable?
  • What will the pay off be for completing this project?
  • How will you reward yourself once the goal is accomplished?
This week, I invite you to explore the theme of procrastination with me as I work towards completing my International Coach Academy graduation requirements! There's only one month until all the paperwork is due, so it's definitely time to kick it into high gear.

Be happy. Be healthy. Be whole.


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